Low turnover at Ikea North America -- Workforce Management case study


Low turnover at Ikea North America -- Workforce Management case study

Ikea North America combines a very Scandinavian embrace of paternalistic employment policies and a social safety net with a hard-core drive for profits and market share, according to a recent issue of US human resource magazine Workforce Management.

Ikea, the Swedish global retailing giant, has high revenues, low turnover and a generous health plan even for part-timers and 47% of the company’ s 75 top earners are female.

Workforce Management looks at how the North American operation has radically changed its approach to benefits, corporate culture and work-life balance. The needs of older workers have also been addressed.

Today, the company reckons it has perhaps the happiest and quite possibly the most productive workforce in the American retail industry.

Want to know more?

Title: "Success, Scandinavian style", by Andy Meisler, Workforce Management, August 2004.

Availability: Workforce Management magazine is published monthly. For subscription services, tel: 001 313 446 0450 (USA: 888 448 1422). Contact the online editor Todd Raphael for more information, email: raphaelt@workforce.com.

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Take a look at the article online -- see what you think www.workforce.com/section/09/feature/23/79/57/237959.html

Posted 9 September 2004