Employers report positive impact of flexible working


Employers report positive impact of flexible working

Almost six in ten employers reported an improvement in productivity as a result of offering flexible working, according to a survey by the British Chambers of Commerce.

Key survey results

  • 89% of the businesses surveyed provide their employees with some form of flexible working

  • 72% offer part-time working; 69% offer variable working hours; 38% offer working from home

  • 71% of employers believe that there has been either some or a significant improvement in employee relations as a result of offering flexible working

  • 60% of employers reported some or a significant improvement in staff retention

  • 58% of employers reported some or a significant improvement in productivity

  • 84% of respondents do not have a formal written “work-life balance” policy, “helping to explain the perception gap that exists between what employers are actually doing and what politicians assume they are doing”.


Reason for not offering flexible working

According to the British Chambers of Commerce, the reason that employers gave for not offering flexible working “shows the folly of trying to impose a one-size-fits-all approach on business”:

  • 56% highlighted the difficulty in achieving business growth with a reorganised workload and resources

  • 32% cited a desire to be fair to all employees

  • 21% cited the administrative burden of new policies as being a barrier to providing flexible working.

A final word

“Business is well ahead of the current debate. The overwhelming majority of respondents to our survey are embracing flexibility because they understand clearly the benefits of providing flexible working to their employees, reporting improvements in employee relations, staff retention and productivity.

The debate now needs to shift away from what employers are not doing to focus on what they are and try to identify the real barriers to greater flexibility. Those who aren’t providing flexibility for their staff lack the management confidence to restructure the way they manage their staff, only advice and support will rectify this while further regulation will impose a needless and onerous burden.” - Sally Low, Director of Policy and External Affairs at the British Chambers of Commerce.

Want to know more?

Title: Work and Life: How business is striking the right balance, British Chambers of Commerce, 2007.

Survey methodology: Members of the British Chambers of Commerce were surveyed in February and March 2007 by means of an online survey.

Survey sample: In total 408 business members participated in the survey.

Availability: Download a copy of the 27-page report in PDF format free of charge at www.chamberonline.co.uk/YVeGAqBoarMi4g.html

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) says it is the “National voice of local business”. To find out more visit www.chamberonline.co.uk