Executive Pay Edit #1

We are right in the middle of the main reporting period for directors’ remuneration and at present the team is busy populating our extensive database. As it stands, we have gathered information on over 300 companies, but our aim is to cover at least 700 companies from the FTSE 350, SmallCap, AIM and Fledgling Indices as well as some of the top Global companies from the FT 500 list.

Here’s a few snippets from the large batch of remuneration reports on our desks that caught our eye.

Unilever’s CEO & CFO turned down salary increases recommended by the Remcom for 2015 despite concerns that rates were at the low end of the market.

RBS says average 2015 salary rises for its core staff will be 2%, up from 2014, whereas it will be less than 1% across the most senior staff.

RBS – average salary = £35k; £50k-100k (15,500 staff); £100k-£250k (6,700 staff); £250k-£999k (1,090 staff); £1m or more (110 staff).

Hikma’s remcom reported in detail on an in-depth CEO salary benchmarking exercise including its growth, US focus, package size and FTSE rank.

Hikma found its CEO salary was significantly below the market resulting in a rise from $842,265 to $1,200,000.